Tag Archives: davao tours

5 Places in 24 Hours

Philippine Eagle Center

The Majestic Philippine Eagle

There are so many things to do, so many food to eat, and so many sights to see when you’re in Davao City. My Davao City is the perfect place to experience all the best tourist activities, the mountainside and the beach are both just a few minutes away from the urban center, the food is fresh and affordable, and the people are friendly and helpful. There are various cheap hotels in Davao if you want to stay in the city for a night.
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Island Hopping with ETours Davao

Island Garden City of Samal

A trip to Davao is not complete without a visit to the beach. Why? Because the beach is 10 minutes away. And it’s damn nice! Plus, it’s a 100% typhoon free city so you can visit the beach anytime of the year.

The DFAT 2010 Team took advantage of this. And with ETours, enjoyed the beach and all it had to offer. We availed of the Davao island hopping tour package which included a tour guide, a boat ride around the Island Garden City of Samal (IGaCoS), and use of snorkelling sets.

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